This Week we are taking about Kids!

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This week we’re talking about photographing kids.  Our kids.  The cutest ones ever born, of course!!!   When my nephew was a wee lad, he said and did the most adorable things that I will never forget.  He insisted on singing me “Frère Jacques” over and over again and told me that he couldn’t understand why I wasn’t married yet!  Adorable, right??? If we are lucky, we all have these precious moments with our children.  We tell ourselves, “Oh my, I will never forget the time when….” , because it was so cute, so adorable, and your heart was bursting with so much love.  Yet, still life goes on and somehow, we forget that 'oh, so cute time' and the memories can get fuzzy.  They grow up.  My nephew is now literally, a brain surgeon!  I am very proud of my nephew or as he was once known as P.J.  He would now kill me for calling him that!

But the little guy that I baked cookies with and gazed at the stars with and tried to explain a million things to is now a grown man.  Hard to believe.  I wish that I had more photographs of my nephew. Ones that I could really look back in time and try to see who we were.  For me, that would mean a lot.  This is why Emile and I think that these opportunities to record our lives is beyond precious and so important to all of us. Our families. What is more enduring than that?

These two little goof balls pictured are brother and sister.  They fight and play and love each other unconditionally.  It was a pleasure to photograph them and we hope that this will be a treasure in their adult lives.  Somehow, we know that it will.

Bless, Lisa and Emile